
Daycare Hours


What is Doggy Daycare?

Doggie Daycare provides a fun, safe, play-all-day environment for your dog to play and socialize while you're away. Your dog will receive playtime the entire day in both indoor and outdoor playzones. Their recreation is always supervised by our attentive staffers.

Doggie Daycare
indoor daycare

Required Vaccinations (Dogs):
Rabies, DHLPP, Bordetella

Our Play Zones

At Stone Chapel Kennel & Cattery, we have several playzones designed with your pet's interest in mind! Two of the playzones are located indoors, where dogs receive staggered and separated playtime according to their size, temperament, age, and activity level. We also have large outdoor playzones where dogs get to run around and play in as well. All our playzones have fun toys and obstacles to keep your dogs entertained and having fun! What if your dog doesn't play well with others? We've got you covered. They will enjoy independent playtime with one of our loving team members.

Our Daycare Rates

Full Day: $27.00

Half Day (5 hours or Less): $18.00

5 Day Pass: $130.00

10 Day Pass: $230.00

20 Day Pass: $420.00

Please feel free to contact us about reservations
or any questions you might have!